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Election hustings




Gay marriage in church


The Coalition Government’s proposal for gay weddings or same sex civil partnerships in churches was opposed by many of the candidates.


Alasdair Allan said both Labour and the SNP would consult with the public and appropriate organisations.


He added: “My preference is that civil partnerships and marriage are best kept asunder.”


Donald Crichton said: “Marriage was given to be between man and woman and so it should remain.“


He felt the government should not be intervening and he pledged to “vote with according to my conscience.”


Charlie McGrigor felt it should be “up to the churches to make their own rules as to what is or is not acceptable.”


Peter Morrison went against his own party’s policy which is too legalise full homosexual marriage as well as to conduct gay civil partnership ceremonies in churches.


Donald Crichton stressed: “Family and children should be at the very heart of policy making. Labour has a record of encouraging and helping families and stiking a balance between work and families.”


McGrigor promoted the ideal of married families. He said that marriage was the glue holding his family.


Alasdair Allan believed the state should be promoting families. He encouraged flexible working to allow a balance between people being able to earn a better wage and look after an elderly relative which would reduce pressure on families.


He stressed: “We shouldn’t go down the route of thinking that some families are more deserving than others.“


On abortion all candidates stressed the need to reduce the high rate of abortions in Scotland.


Charlie McGrigor said he was pro-choice and urged counselling as a valuable provision for individuals.


Allan referred to the panel’s discussion over sex education for teenagers saying: “You can’t say you don’t like abortion but don’t want sex education in schools.”



 Moral issues sparks debate at hustings


►  Tuition fees


 Gay  marriage in church


 B&B’s refusing homosexual couples


►  Sabbath observance and sports centres