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Election hustings




B & B’s refusing homosexual couples


The debate chairman Murdo Murray raised a personal predicament with the law obliging him to go against his conscience and provide a double bed for a gay couple in his own home.


He said: “I want to say no if a homosexual couple wanted a bed but under the law I couldn’t refuse.”


Peter Morrison “totally disagreed with Murdo.”


Donald Crichton highlighted: “It is an issue of conscience and the state should not intervene over who you o or don’t have in your home.”


Alasdair Allan said: “If it’s a B&B then it is none of your business what people are and you shouldn’t be asking.“ He pointed out any B&B is a commercial enterprise and is not allowed to discriminate.


Charlie McGrigor said: “I don’t recall Jesus saying you can’t be homosexual.”


I appreciate it is your house but once you become a business you open up to the outside world.”


Roddy Cunningham asked Alasdair Allan “what role does government have telling businesses who they can deal with?” He pointed out banks reject people every day.


Mr Alan replied that businesses were banned from discriminating against people on the basis of being gay.




 Moral issues sparks debate at hustings


►  Tuition fees


 Gay  marriage in church


 B&B’s refusing homosexual couples


►  Sabbath observance and sports centres