
Unequal division of labour               14/3/13


On the subject of the contact our elected parliamentary representatives have with councillors, I would like to write to express my sympathy for Dr Alasdair Allan, the MSP.

There is little doubt that he has a great deal to do. As our Scottish Parliament representative, he has the bulk of the constituency work to do. He also has ministerial responsibilities which in themselves must be extremely demanding.

Despite this, he is the one who makes sole contact with councillors, giving a presentation recently to them about the appalling effect the “bedroom tax” will have on many members of our community - for all that this is a piece of legislation relating to Westminster. And therefore not within his job description but someone else’s.

Any resentment he must feel at this unequal division of labour is perfectly understandable. There are times when, like us, he must find himself asking the question that, given his work-rate, how on earth can Mr MacNeil justify the wonderful salary he receives - even to himself?

Answers to be written on the back of a postage stamp.

Matt Bruce


Western Isles Labour Party


Letters @hebrides.biz

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