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Royal visit to Stornoway     21/5/14

The royal couple chatted to teenagers participating in the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme including Katlin Mulhern, 18, of Harris.


Katlin said: “I told the countess I really enjoyed doing the Duke of Edinburgh scheme and I look forward to doing the rest of my exhibitions and getting my gold award.


Hazel Macleod, 17, of Sir E Scott school, said she told Sophie about a visit to Nepal through the Tarbert Church of Scotland youth fellowship which was “a great eye-opening experience. We visited an orphanage and help to paint a school.”


She said the royals visit was, “was a lot less formal than I thought it would be. They were friendly and really nice. I will remember this day because I got up close to speak to royals - it was nice to get to speak to them face-to-face.”


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