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South Uist’s role in Libya offensive          31/8/11

Simulated air strikes against enemy targets at the South Uist rocket range are being carried out for real in Libya.

The Uist missile base, threatened with a savage downgrading by the last Labour administration, has played a vital role in testing the capabilities of fighter jets, tracking systems and hi-tech bombs now attacking key sites in the Nato offensive against Gaddafi.

RAF Tornado and Typhoons jets and their precision-guided bombs have blown up the walls of Gaddafi’s command complex in Tripoli, and destroyed battle tanks, anti-aircraft guns, six ammunition storage facilities near Zlitan and a base for multiple rocket launchers.

Defence support minister Mr Luff acknowledged the important role the island rocket range had in Libya.

He said: “This range has made a huge contribution to the RAF’s involvement with the NATO campaign in Libya and the people here can be very proud at what’s been achieved.”

Last week a military facility on the outskirts of Tripoli was severely damaged by Paveway guided bombs which were tested on Uist.

The RAF aircraft also destroyed three Scud ballistic missile support vehicles at Sirte, one of the last strongholds of the fleeing leader’s regime.

A new lease of life has been offered to the weapons base which won a hard-fought reprieve from military cuts last year.

This month, the tracking station on St Kilda has been upgraded at a cost of £1 million. Further investment to modernise the facilities at Geirinish should expand its capabilities beyond a guaranteed five year period.

The base is crucial to the local economy and its loss would devastate the Uists, create large job losses and lead to depopulation warns the task group set up to save it.