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Comhairle nan Eilean Siar has welcomed the HMIe report on its recent inspection of Shawbost school. The report has identified that young people’s learning and personal development are well supported in the school. Staff were recognised for providing high levels of care for young people’s wellbeing. The school’s headteacher was commended for his leadership.

The report commended the school for use of its local area and community to celebrate its cultural heritage, with inspectors noting that well-planned links with local industry and tourism enhance young people’s learning experience.

The range of sporting and cultural activities provided by the school outside of the classroom was also praised by inspectors as an opportunity for young people to develop a broad range of skills and interests.

The inspectors said there is a need to develop approaches for all young people to improve their fluency in Gaelic across learning and to further develop the school’s approach to evaluating the quality of its work, to ensure consistently high-quality learning in all curricular areas.

Morag Munro, Chair of Education and Children’s Services at Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, said: “We are pleased that the report has identified the strong leadership provided by the head teacher and also the high levels of care and support provided by staff to pupils. It also recognises the positive contribution of the community in working with staff and pupils, to enrich the learning experience.

“HMIe will continue to work with the school and the Education and children’s Services Department in order to record and share more widely innovative practice.”


Tha Comhairle nan Eilean Siar a’ cur fàilte air aithisg HMIE mun an turas a rinn iad bho chionn ghoirid do Sgoil Shiaboist. Tha an aithisg air innse gu bheil deagh thaic air a chur ri ionnsachadh agus leasachadh pearsanta dhaoine òga anns an sgoil. Chaidh mothachadh gun robh luchd-obrach a’ solarachadh ìre àrd de chùram airson maitheas dhaoine òga. Bha an ceannard-sgoile san sgoil air a mholadh airson a cheannas.

Tha an aithisg a’ moladh mar a tha an sgoil a’ cleachdadh na sgìre agus na coimhearsnachd ionadail gus a dhualchas a chomharrachadh, agus luchd-sgrùdaidh ag ràdh gu bheil ceangalan le gnìomhachas agus turasachd ionadail a’ cur ri ionnsachadh dhaoine òga gu mòr. Bha an raon de thachartasan spòrs agus cultar taobh-a-muigh na sgoile cuideachd air a mholadh le luchd-sgrùdaidh mar chothrom airson daoine òg farsaingeachd de sgilean agus ùidhean a leasachadh.

Tha luchd-sgrùdaidh air ainmeachadh gu bheil feum air leasachadh ann a bhith a’ coimhead air dòighean piseach a thoirt air fileantachd sgoilearan ann an Gàidhlig tarsainn air diofar chuspairean, agus cuideachd air leasachadh san dòigh anns a bheil an sgoil a’ measadh an obair aca, gus dèanamh cinnteach gu bheileas a’ solarachadh ìre àrd de dh’fhoghlam gu cunbhalach.

Thubhairt Morag Rothach, Cathraiche Foghlam agus Seirbheisean Chloinne aig Comhairle nan Eilean Siar:

“Tha sinn toilichte gu bheil an aithisg air mothachadh an ceannas làidir a th’ aig an ceannard-sgoile agus cuideachd an ìre àrd de chùram agus taic a tha luchd-obrach a’ solarachadh do sgoilearan. Tha an aithisg cuideachd ag aithneachadh na buaidh a th’ aig a’ choimhearsnachd ann a bhith ag obair le luchd-obrach agus sgoilearan, airson ionnsachadh dhaoine òga a neartachadh.

Cumaidh HMIe air ag obair leis an sgoil agus Roinn an Fhoghlaim agus Seirbheisean Chloinne gus obair ùr-ghnàthach a chlàradh agus a roinn le sgoiltean eile.”


Shawbost School has good community links say inspectors                  1/9/11