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The pupils, parents and staff of Scalpay School are planning a  calendar of events to mark the school’s long history before its closure next summer.

The school is appealing to past and present pupils, parents and staff and those with a connection to the school to contribute photographs, archives and artefacts that could feature in an exhibition of the school’s history.

They’re also interested in hearing from people who would be willing to be interviewed by present and former pupils to share their Scalpay school stories.

To kick start the collecting process, and to give people a chance to find out more about plans for their final year, an informal ceilidh will be held at the school on Thursday 10 November between 7pm and 930pm to which all are invited to attend.

Aileen MacSween, Head teacher of Scalpay School explains: “The purpose of this evening will be to generate an interest in our school closure events by inviting the community to come and chat about old photographs and recall school memories over a cup of tea and a song or two.

“We will discuss our proposals to celebrate the life of Scalpay School and hopefully hear other suggestions people may have. We are hoping that as many people as possible will join us for this event.”


Tha sgoilearan, pàrantan agus luchd-obrach Sgoil Sgalpaigh a’ cur air dòigh diofar thachartasan gus eachdraidh fhada na sgoile a chomharrachadh mas tèid a dùnadh an t-samhradh sa tighinn.

Tha an sgoil ag iarraidh air sgoilearan an-diugh agus an-dè, pàrantan is luchd-obrach agus daoine eile le ceangal ris an sgoil dealbhan, tasglannan agus seann stuthan a chur ri taisbeanadh air eachdraidh na sgoile.

Thathas cuideachd airson cluinntinn bho dhaoine a bhiodh deònach agallamh a dhèanamh le sgoilearan a th’ ann agus a bh’ ann gus an sgeulachdan mu Sgoil Sgalpaigh a cho-roinn.

Gus am pròiseas cruinneachaidh a thòiseachadh agus cothrom a thoirt do dhaoine ionnsachadh mu bhliadhna dheireannach na sgoile, bidh cèilidh neo-fhoirmeil ga chumail san sgoil air Diardaoin 10 Samhain eadar 7f agus 930f, agus tha fàilte air a h-uile duine.

Thubhairt Aileen NicSuain, Ceann-sgoile Sgoil Sgalpaigh: “’S e amas na h-oidhche seo ùidh a thogail ann an tachartasan dùnaidh na sgoile le bhith a’ toirt cuireadh don choimhearsnachd a thighinn is a bhruidhinn mu sheann dheilbh agus chuimhneachan sgoile, le cupan teatha agus òran no dhà. Bruidhnidh sinn mu na molaidhean againne airson comharrachadh beatha Sgoil Sgalpaigh agus bidh sinn an dòchas cluinntinn mu na molaidhean eile a bhios aig daoine. Tha sinn an dòchas gun tig mòran dhaoine chun an tachartais.”


Scalpay plans commemorative events to celebrate school’s history                 31/10/11