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Civil same sex marriages           10/9/11



The government seems to be trying to push through a bill to legalise same sex civil marriages. I believe that they also may be actually in favour of such a bill.

However, these kind of issues should by and large be done on a referendum. I believe many issues, such as where money is actually being spent, and on what, should be by regional referendums, and a few other issues that affect individuals and communities should also be on a yearly local referendums, otherwise we shall never have true democracy, or have a real say in matters that ultimately will have consequences on our life, Christian living , and traditional life and heritage here in our (formerly) blessed land

We are now being taken a 'Bridge Too Far' for my taste. I am of the belief that if a paper was sent to each household in Scotland that we would hopefully get the true answers and in that sense we would be doing the right thing on many important issues.

We have to be aware no man is an island. That means off course that we as individuals do affect others with whatever actions we take or by our way of doing things in general. Do not offend the spirit this day or ever !

Angus Campbell


Isle of South Uist



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