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Trifling with God’s law                 5/12/11


Much is said these days about homosexual civil partnerships and same-sex relationships. Even the Scottish Government has joined the bandwagon by pressing for a change in law so that these bizarre unions are formally recognised and accepted in society.

On 9th December there ends a consultation process in Edinburgh, as MSPs begin to consider a new definition for…wait for it…marriage! They wish, rather astonishingly, to redefine it to include homosexual marriage, and then promote such a knot as the norm. And it doesn’t end there. They also want such marriages to be registered in…wait for it…Scottish churches!

It may be both unbelievable and mindboggling, but there is one other thing that can be certainly sure. Either they have lost the plot, or I have. To my relief, my pocket Oxford Dictionary assures me that I haven’t. It rightfully and honestly tells me that marriage is a “legal union of a man and a woman for cohabitation and often procreation”

Of course it is not the book I rely on for my final authority. It is the Bible. And woe to anyone who dares to trifle with its sacred contents. That is exactly what the Scottish Government are doing: they are trifling with God’s law. The law of God has already determined judgement and tells us what marriage is: it is between one man and one woman. God has ‘fixed’ this relationship: it’s as simple as that. The case is closed. Does the Scottish Government consider itself wiser than God in 2011, when absolute truth records it is non-negotiable?

It is the only marriage, in the proper sense, that genuine Bible believing Christians will ever honour, whatever the law of the land may say when the consultation process is over. Many morally upright people across Scotland – who have no faith – will endorse that.

It is not politicians in Government, lawyers in court or judges with black robes that have the final decision. It is God. His definition, decision and verdict is final. All that MSPs now have to do to find out what it is, is get a hold of a Bible….or alternatively a pocket Oxford Dictionary. I am happy to supply them.

Donald J Morrison

85 Old Edinburgh Road



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