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Part time government    26/7/11




With all the recent scandals and frauds around, it seems our governments are on a part time job at our expense.

Without doubt they are taking up the time that should be spent on running the country with arguments about media,police, and bankers instead of using the tax payers money to run the country the way it should be

Now, I’m not a big fan of Governments but I especially detest oversized and over-powerful ones along with similar other agencies.

Even our monkey parliament in Edinburgh seems to spend time trying to organise football matches and peoples stupid behaviour -  give us a break lads.

Is that not something that is a personal responsibility for folk as individuals? It is is in my belief and I presume other people with a little more than half a brain would agree, surely .

Now, guys, grow up and be big boys. Stop the bickering. Try and run the show in a half decent manner as opposed to squandering time and money accusing each other with public funds being wasted.

With the next one being as bad as the other - or worse - how it ever going to be solved?  Well, what do you know, here it is  simple and true: personal responsibility and having values and principles, and less big government would go a long way to start with.

When do we start?

Aonghas Caimbeul,

Gearraidh na Monaidh,

Uibhist a Deas