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Western Isles emergency services football match

Primary and Secondary football competitions        1/9/11

The Mod 2011 Committee will host a junior football competition on Saturday 10th September 2011, at the Smith Avenue Astroturf in Stornoway between 10.30am and 2pm.

The event is one of a series of fundraisers which the Local Organising Committee is staging over the next 6 weeks or so, in countdown to this year’s Royal National Mod.

Both Primary competitions will take place in the morning, followed by the Secondary competition in the afternoon. Schools, youth clubs, community groups and individuals have been invited to enter teams into this one-off competition.

The Primary 1-4 competition will be 4-aside and must have a mix of two girls and two boys in each team. The entry fee for each team in this category will be £5.

Both the Primary 5-7 and Secondary competitions will be 7-aside. Each team entering these competitions must also be mixed, with a minimum of either 2 boys or 2 girls in each team. The entry fee for these categories is £10.

The winning teams in each category will be presented with a special Mòd nan Eilean Siar 2011 award which they will keep.

Anyone wishing to enter a team into these competition should contact the Mod office for an entry form on 01851 703 487.