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17 Bayhead St

Stornoway, Lewis



At a meeting of the Lewis and Harris Goose Management Group last week the problems associated with the increasing presence of greylag geese on the islands were discussed.

Councilor John A Maciver, Chair of the Group, said: “It is vital that crofters take a proactive approach to controlling goose numbers. The open season commenced on 1 September and runs until 31 January - we encourage crofters to make the most of this time period to minimise the potential damage caused by Greylags.”

During the open season, crofters need not apply for a license to shoot greylag geese and there is no limit to the number of the birds that can be shot by individual crofters. In addition, the need to obtain a game license was abolished earlier this year.

Crofters are however reminded to obtain permission in advance from the landowner.

Applications for a license to kill resident Greylag Geese during the closed season should be made to Scottish Natural Heritage.


Aig coinneamh Bhuidheann Rianaidh Geòidh Leòdhas is na Hearadh an t-seachdain a chaidh bhathar a’ bruidhinn air na duilgheadasan ceangailte ris na th’ ann de gheòidh-glas anns na h-eileanan.

Thubhairt Iain A MacÌomhair, Cathraiche na Buidhne: “Tha e deatamach gum bi croitearan a’ dèiligeadh le a bhith cumail smachd air àireamhan Geòidh ann an dòigh fhor-ghnìomhach. Thòisich an t-seusan fosgailte air 1 Sultain agus tha e a’ ruith gu 31 Faoilleach – tha sinn ag iarraidh air croitearan an àm seo a chleachdadh airson nas urrainn dhaibh a dhèanamh gus lùghdachadh an cron a dh’fhaodadh geòidh-glas a dhèanamh.”

Tron t-seusan fosgailte chan fheum croitearan cead airson geòidh-glas a losgadh agus chan eil bacadh air an àireamh iseanan a dh’fhaodas croitearan a losgadh. A bharrachd air a sin, chaidh a chur às leis an fheum airson cead geama na bu tràithe sa bhliadhna.

Ach thathar a’ cur an cuimhne croitearan cead fhaighinn ro-làimh bhon shealbhadair fearainn.

’S ann bho Dhualchas Nàdair na h-Alba a gheibhear cead airson geòidh-glas a mharbhadh tron t-seusan dùinte


Open season for shooting greylag geese                   1/9/11