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Western Isles emergency services football match

MSP favours wild goose hunt               15/9/11

MSP, Alasdair Allan, today visited the Machair Life+ scheme in Uist, which has been working to tackle the problems faced by crofters due to an increased population of Greylag Geese.

Alasdair Allan commented:

“Many crofters are only too familiar with the difficulties caused by Greylag Geese, and it’s therefore encouraging to see so much work being done in Uist to tackle the problem.

“When I was out in North Uist today I saw a number of measures, including fireworks and kites, being used. These have made an impact, although the problem is far from completely solved.

“What is important, I believe, is that this is an issue which has united crofters and environmentalists alike, recognising that many other wild bird species in the islands depend on crofting for their habitat.

“There is still a lot more that could be done, by way of shooting to solve the problem and I am keen to engage with local estates to see if this can be facilitated. Indeed, although it may seem surprising initially, this is a solution which even the RSPB are very open to.

“I also undertook to make representations to the Scottish Government over the future of this scheme once the current Machair Life+ project comes to an end in two years’ time.

“There is still a lot to be done to address this problem, but it is heartening to see a community which is working together and doing so much to address a common problem.”