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Matt Bruce (Letters 29th April) is confused about the machine used to treat his prostate cancer in Aberdeen. It was not only the first such machine in Scotland, but also the first in the whole of Britain. The 40 machines in English hospitals he refers to are also widely used in Scottish hospitals.


The Scottish Government normally meets its target of 96% of patients receiving treatment within 31 days from referral. The target in England is 85% within 62 days, and they can't even meet that. Especially now, when the doctors are frequently on strike.


So why do some people continuously moan about how bad things are in Scotland and the Western Isles and how brilliant they are in England?


Its the Labour Party at it again. Talking down Scotland.


Dr David Wilson

12b Tolsta Chaolais
Isle of Lewis


Letter:  Labour "talking down" Scotland  


30 April 2016