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Hebrides News


A book has been published recalling island soldiers who fought in WW2 and were captured at St Valery.


Cuimhneachain St Valery has many stories and details of that time.


The book is being launched on Saturday in the former cafe of Stornoway Library at 2pm.


Many Hebrideans served with the 51st Highland Division in France when the Nazis invaded France.


As they defended the French the 51st division was trapped inland by German forces.


They were ordered to head back to protect a strategic position on the Somme after the rest of the Allied Forces had been evacuated.

Under heavy bombardment, outflanked and greatly outnumbered by Rommel's 7th Panzers, the 51st fought a retreat to the coastal town of St Valery where, when all hopes of evacuation faded, they were forced to surrender in June 1940.


Heavy losses were suffered and some 8000 men endured terrible suffering over the next five years as prisoners of war.

Speakers at the launch event Mr Sandy Matheson, Mr Malcolm Macdonald and Ms Maggie Smith who compiled the book from first hand and relatives accounts of the soldiers' experiences.

Recalling dark days at St Valery

12 January 2018