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Hebrides News


A petition calling for an extraordinary general meeting of Stòras Uibhist has been launched.


It follows calls for the community landlord- headed by parent company Sealladh na Beinne Mòire (SnBM) to be more open and transparent.


The petition which has appeared in locations from Eriskay to Benbecula seeks discussions over a number of points including investigating the contract and tender for commercial seaweed extraction and the potential detrimental effect on crofters and members. 


It says there has been no community consultation on this most important community asset.


The financial state of the SnBM companies and the cessation of the community fund should be investigated it says.


The meeting is also asked to look at





In addition, there is a call that islanders who are members of SnBM be allowed to observe board meetings.


Some 10% of islanders who are members of the community body would have to back a request for a special meeting, detailing their reasons.


Directors are able to raise issues and ask questions at regular board meetings.


Petition calls for South Uist landlord to investigate criticisms

6 March 2018