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Four vacancies on the board of Stòras Uibhist have been filled following a postal election.

Seven candidates threw their hats into the ring.

The organisation’s rules required Sarah MacEachen and Mary Schmoller to vacate their seats though they could stand for election.

Andrew Laing has been elected to the board for the first time with 331 votes.

Roderick MacGillivray received the second highest number of 275 votes.

Mary Teresa Schmoller was re-elected with 252 votes.

The fourth vacancy was filled by Calum MacMillan who attracted 200 votes.

Donald Norman MacKenzie, Donnie Steele and Michael Walker were unsuccessful.

Sarah MacEachen who served 10 years on the board did not stand in the poll.

New faces elected onto South Uist landlord

15 Sept 2017