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We welcome the news that the transportation and infrastructure committee of the council has ‘noted' the recent report on the South Ford Flood Risk Management and Causeway Feasibility Projects.


Hats off to the council's in-house technical services department for including the option of a new causeway/bridge to the east of the present one. This is a really innovative approach.


There are, though, a number of things in the report which continue to concern the community. One is the insistence on carrying out a sand-shifting exercise on Gualan Island.

Letter:  South Ford causeway

7 March 2017

While this is a recommendation of the hydrodynamic study, the condition which the survey lays down seems to be conveniently forgotten: "The participation and support from Storas Uibhist and the local community is seen as being essential in the preparation of such a scheme."


Neither Storas Uibhist nor the local community has given their approval far less their participation. We would hope that the council does not repeat the folly of engaging in major engineering works on the South Ford without the support of the community.


An urgent concern, not included in the report to the transportation committee, is the build-up of silt at the Clachan Mòr. The water entering Loch Bee is now a mere trickle.


We believe that there needs to be a properly thought - through strategic approach to the effective management of the South Ford - an approach which is supported by the council, the community council, Stòras Uibhsit, and the scientific community.


First build the new bridge/causeway. Then see what effect this new structure has on sand build-up and water flow on the South Ford. Then, if further remedial works are needed, they can be done.


We call for a public meeting to establish a co-ordinated strategic approach to the effective management of the South Ford. Let's get the project right and then look for the money.


The safety and security of our people depends on it.


Iain A MacNeil

Iochdar Community Council