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Following on from Neil Dunn’s letter of 24th March, as an interested observer concerning the Stornoway Trust elections I was appalled to see some of the social media abuse directed at those candidates presenting a non-religiously-biased platform.

It speaks ill of Scotland that people in one part of it known historically for its welcome can, in the 21st century, refer to their neighbours as ‘incomers’ and ‘extremists’ (oh the irony!) for holding perfectly valid views on life in the islands and the freedom to choose how that life be lived.


The manner in which those views were and continue to be misrepresented and twisted to present a false victimhood narrative is quite astounding. The version of Christianity on display in some quarters was one of narrow self-interest and on occasions more than economical with the truth.

I echo Mr Dunn’s hope that those elected will consider the wide range of responsibilities the trust has to oversee and execute, and the wider interests of all those who live in Stornoway.


Alistair McBay

National Secular Society

5 Atholl Crescent



Letter: “Social media abuse” during Stornoway Trust election

30 March 2018