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The SNP group of councillors on the Comhairle intend to challenge a raft of controversial council cuts which will be voted upon next week.


The group plans to "put forward the case for the community" at the budget setting meetings.


SNP councillors said they will oppose the proposed cut to the current arrangement for residential care for children currently provided by Action for Children at Hillcrest in Stornoway.


Continuing with the use of all itinerant teachers in primary schools is also important, say the group.


It will seek to maintain the level of funding to the Energy Advisory Services (TEAS). A council report warned halving its £80,000 funding increasing fuel poverty across the Western Isles with vulnerable households not getting on advice on energy efficiency and missing out on funding opportunities.


A near 30% cut is suggested for emergency and planned patching and drainage programmes on the roads' network. The council's proposal would mean worse roads and more potholes admits a Comhairle report.






The SNP group said it wants to retain the Stornoway abattoir, Stornoway bus station and public conveniences.


A SNP councillors' spokesman said: "The SNP council group will again bring forward recommendations that will empower our communities to deliver the services that are essential to them."


He added: "It was obvious at the consultation meetings that care for the vulnerable is of great importance and although care packages, self-directed support and the overnight service is now under the remit of the Integrated Joint Board (IJB), the SNP will call on the IJB to give top priority to these items.


"In addition, the group will call for a review of the library café to find ways to secure its continuation as a well-used and popular facility."



SNP councillors to oppose controversial Comhairle cuts  


12 February 2016