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Dog owners are urged to take steps to prevent their pets becoming involved in livestock worrying.

Reports of dogs chasing or attacking cattle and sheep rose by 55% this lambing season, said Police Scotland.

Cases went up from 45 to 70 after crofters and farmers were encouraged to report all incidents.

The bulk of the offences reported were in Highlands and Islands, Aberdeenshire, and Lanarkshire.

Sheep were by far the most common animal affected.

In 79% of incidents, livestock were killed or injured, and on average this involved two or three sheep per incident.

Inspector Jane Donaldson, Police Scotland rural crime co-ordinator said: “Livestock worrying has previously been under-reported.

"Farmers were often reluctant to report incidents to police, particularly where there was a ‘near miss’ and no physical damage was done to their livestock."

Most incidents involved only one dog. In nearly three quarters of cases, the offending dog was local to that area, with more than half of all incidents involving a dog roaming free.

Police advise people walking and exercising their dogs in the countryside to ensure their pet is under control at all times and avoid going into fields where livestock is grazing.

The Scottish Outdoor Access Code says that dogs shouldn’t be taken into fields where there are lambs or other young farm animals.

Crofters and those who use the countryside are urged to report all incidents of livestock worrying to police on 101 or 999 in an emergency.

Dog owners urged to help prevent sheep worrying


5 July 2016