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Restless secularist                    25/6/14




If his last letter, 16/5/14, in these columns is anything to go by, I can’t help but think that Mr Alistair McBay of the National Secular Society is – within his heart and soul - an extremely restless man. In many ways he peculiarly resembles the hardened atheist Professor Richard Dawkins, in the things he negatively says and writes on religion. I suppose this shouldn’t surprise us, as Mr McBay, just like Mr Dawkins, doesn’t believe in the existence of God. To have faith in God is to him a delusion and sheer fanaticism.


Blind indeed, very sadly, are the eyes that cannot see or accept the reality of His existence. Hugh Miller, the 19th century Scottish geologist and writer, once said that “the footprint of the savage in the sand is sufficient to attest the presence of man to the atheist, yet he will not recognise God, whose hand is impressed upon the entire universe.” A great theologian also once said “He that doth not believe that there is a God is more vile than a devil. To deny there is a God is a sort of atheism that is not to be found I hell” (Thomas Brooks).


As far as the independence debate, and our country’s constitution, is concerned it seems Mr McBay’s preference is to embrace the beliefs of his own fictitious secularist faith at the expense of true Biblical Christianity. He forgets that it was the Bible and the Christianity of that very book, which together made Scotland the country it once was. It is partly no thanks to secularism and atheism, that the police and the prison officers of our country will be the first to tell us that Scotland is not the ‘flourishing’ nation it once was. The staggering crime statistics only go to confirm this reality. Yes, this is what happens when a nation turns it back on God.


However the independence vote goes, the first thing that our country must do - above everything else - is, not discard the Bible, but first recover it and then, as a wise man of faith said “hold fast to the Bible as the sheet-anchor of our liberties; write its precepts on your hearts and practice them in your lives. To the influence of this book we are indebted for the progress made in true civilization, and to this we must look for our guide in the future.”


And if Mr. McBay looks to this book for guidance, and allows the precepts to be written on his heart, I can assure him, along with every other deluded secularist and atheist, that his restlessness over true religion will be exchanged for lasting peace with God. Yes, while the Holy Scriptures rightly tells us in Psalm 14v1 that the fool says in his heart there is no God, it also assures us - when we come to believe it - that it is “able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.” (2 Timothy 3v15)


Mr Donald J Morrison

85 Old Edinburgh Road


Letters @hebrides.biz

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