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I must confess I have a sneaking affection for Archie Harper. In all his twists and turns, seen once again in his recent letter about poverty, he shows a remarkable degree of unquestioning loyalty to his party and their representatives. In this, he resembles an over-indulgent parent, the kind who will write letters continually to teachers justifying their son’s failure to do homework.


‘The dog ate it,’ he will scribble away in the early hours of the morning. ‘The wind blew it away…He was up all night twittering and that is ‘hard work.’ (‘By the clicking of his thumbs,’ Archie appeared to declare in one of his epistles, ‘something marvellous this way comes’).

Afraid not. ‘Hard work’ is what other island MPs do. They write regular columns in their local newspapers about the work they perform both in Westminster and elsewhere. They co-operate with councils and individual councillors with whom they often disagree. They promote the skills and talents of the people from their communities, often in cities like London which – independence come or go – is still likely to remain one of the largest international markets in the world. They seek out employers and employment to come to their shores, not content – as lately in Harris and South Uist – to see them drift away. They ask tough questions not only of themselves but also of the constituencies they represent. They do not need to rely on the indulgence and excuses of others.


Once again, I ask Archie Harper and his friends to examine the record of their MP and ask whether or not his failure to perform the above tasks is acceptable in today’s world or any other time. I think the answer – whether in English, Gaelic or Icelandic – is all too clear.


It is time to put an end to this over-indulgence and have grown-up, responsible representation. If the people of the Western Isles are to have any hope of progress, they deserve no less.


Donald S Murray





Letter:  Responsible representation

4 May 2015