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A popular book tracing the ecclesiastical development of Lewis has been reprinted after 30 years.


"Aspects of the Religious History of Lewis” was researched and authored by Rev Murdo Macaulay, formerly the minister in Back Free Church.


The Carloway native - who had fought in WW2 and was captured at St Valery with the 51st Highlanders - published the book when he was 78 years old.


The book gives an account of the history of the Christian faith on Lewis from earliest times up to Disruption of 1843 when a split in the Established Church (Church of Scotland) lead to the creation of the Free Church.


Spanning developments from the Celtic Church and the the Reformation, the century leading up to the Disruption is covered in detail including the impact of Gaelic Schools and the revival movement.


The reprint is available in e-book and hard copy from Puritan Publications.   




Religious history book back in print

21 August 2017