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Community partners in Uist and Benbecula are working well together to enrich the lives of young people, a new report states.


Education Scotland’s inspection of the learning community surrounding Sgoil Lionacleit was undertaken in September in a bid to find out how well partners were improving people’s life chances through ‘learning, building stronger more resilient communities and improving the quality of services and provisions.’


The inspection also included a focus on culture and sport as part of a pilot scheme agreed with Comhairle nan Eilean Siar.


The report highlighted the high quality of services delivered in Uist.  It details that there is a strong participation in youth activities and adult literacy; and that almost all young people leaving Sgoil Lionacleit move on to a positive destination.


Also highlighted are the increasing numbers of young people gaining accreditation through the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme and Saltire Awards; as well as high levels of satisfaction with the Comhairle sport centres’ Slainte Mhath scheme.

Praise for community learning in Uist  

19 November 2014



The report found that volunteer levels were high throughout Benbecula and North and South Uist and that community partners provide a very good range of learning, cultural and sporting activities.


In a bid to continue to improve the work already taking place, the Inspection suggests that partners should help link between community-led activities and Sgoil Lionacleit, with particular focus on planning for the Senior Phase of Curriculum for Excellence.


It also suggests that all partners, including Sgoil Lionacleit, engage in joint ‘continuous professional development’ and self-evaluation to develop a more systematic analysis of information.