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Your nationalist correspondent, Archie Harper, comments on the fact that there are no candidates standing in the Comhairle elections under a Labour Party label. The explanation is quite simple. We took the collective view that there is no public appetite for party politics in local government within our community.


Although a minority of candidates have stood under party labels over the past twenty years or so, most choose not to do so and no party group has come close to an influential role within the council. That created an invidious situation in which some of our party members were part of a group and others were not. Exactly the same applies to other parties.


It would be a deception if individuals who stand as independents then align themselves to a party grouping. Rather than pursue that objective, we have accepted the reality that it is better for all of our members, in island circumstances, to put themselves forward as individuals - well-known for their views but not party-aligned for local government purposes. They can then work together for the better of our islands.


If Mr Harper has any interest in the facts of the matter rather than pursuing his anti-Labour obsession, I suggest that he checks out the list of candidates in search of SNP members, indeed activists, who have reached the same conclusion and are standing as independents. Let's hope they continue to behave that way if elected.


Matt Bruce



Isle of Lewis



Letter:  “No appetite” for party politics in council

6 April 2017