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Hebrides News

MSP Alasdair Allan has urged development agency, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, to help save the jobs of 14 people employed at the fire-damaged Scalpay net washing factory.


The staff have no work to go to as the building was destroyed by flames.


The fire started on Friday afternoon and continued to smoulder on Monday.


The building is currently owned by Net Services Scotland.


The MSP said he impressed on HIE the need to do everything possible to keep the work within the Harris economy.


Alasdair Allan said: “We should all be thankful that no-one was hurt in this incident and I am grateful to the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and the Police for their handling of the situation.


“I was in Harris speaking to people over the weekend and there is now real concern over the future of jobs in the area.


“I spoke on the phone to HIE interim chief executive, Charlotte Wright, to emphasise the importance of making sure that these local jobs are secured if at all possible.


“I will also be seeking to contact the company themselves to offer assistance in this.


“Fourteen jobs represent a very significant part of the economy in Harris, and are a vital contribution to the community in Scalpay itself.”



Calls to save net factory jobs

3 May 2017