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Dear Sirs,


In recent years these islands have seen an immense increase in the amount of motorhomes travelling here. Whilst not necessarily a bad thing it has seen local amenities struggling to cope and brought forth stories of people openly boasting they have stocked up on the mainland so have no need to spend a penny whilst here.


Something is needed to help mitigate the impact of this increased traffic and I believe a motorhome levy is the way forward. This revenue from the levy could be passed on to each island and used to help improve facilities for all. The idea of a levy is widely used across Europe and I don't think it would have any detrimental effect on the tourist trade. Indeed any improvements to the tourist infrastructure of the islands can only bolster it.


Michael A MacLeod

3 Cialla

Isle of Barra


Letter: Support for motorhome levy  

21 Sept 2017