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Misrepresentation about the NHS             15/9/14




Angus McCormack  (Letter: Verbal gymnastics over NHS) seems very fond of accusing other people of "lying." In the same breath, he then churns out bogus "facts" to justify his argument.


For example, he tells us that spending by the British Government on the English NHS is to rise by 4.4% next year. The British Government's draft budget for 2015/2016 says 2.4%, very similar to the increase proposed by the Scottish Government. This is despite a massive cut in the "pocket money" Scotland receives from London through the block grant.


Mr McCormack is right in that the Scottish Government will be facing major challenges next year with £7 billion being removed from the Scottish block grant by the London Government. The block grant cuts reflect the decrease in public spending which has already taken place south of the border.


We currently have a protest march from Jarrow to London by English health care workers concerned by the privatisation and run down of the NHS in England. One in two health trusts south of the border are almost bankrupt and are facing major care issues.


Every week we hear about different trusts and hospitals caught out distorting the performance figures or being investigated because of major care issues. We seldom hear about Scottish health care problems. When was the last time nurses and support groups received a wage rise in England.


And does Mr McCormack  know about the plans, announced by his political comrade Lord Winston, to charge people £200 a time to visit the GP (See the Daily Mail 5th August).


So what can we expect from London if we vote NO? Prescription charges, massive council tax bills, university tuition fees, AND a £200 bill every time we need to see a doctor.


Archie Harper

27 Shulishader


Isle of Lewis