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Hebrides News


An island organisation which provides support to people living in their own homes and their carers has benefited by £3779.24 from the Midge Bikers rally.

Crossroads Lewis was the charity chosen by the bikers which organises the mass motorcycle event.

A spokeswoman for Crossroads Lewis said: “We are overwhelmed with this amount as it will allow us to continue and even increase our core service which allows family members to have respite from their caring role.

“Thank you so much to the Stornoway Midgie Bikers who chose Crossroads Lewis and also all the other bikers who came from far and wide and especially everyone who donated.”


► Photos:  Midge Biters rally


Over 100 riders took part in the rally last month which included a run from Stornoway to Leverburgh.

Half the bikers travelled from the mainland and many enjoyed it so much they intend to return next year.

Some 105 bikes, two quads and a trike participated on the ride-out.

Midge Biters rally raises nearly £3800 for local charity

16 July 2017