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Hebrides News

Isles MP Angus MacNeil has urged the Scottish Government to find a workable way forward for the management of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs).


Planned conservation designations on important fishing grounds will badly hit jobs and the local economy, said fishing leaders.


Mr MacNeil has called for an economic impact assessment of the effects on the local fishing industry and shellfish processing factories.

The MSP has written to Islands' Minister, Derek Mackay, for his assistance in this matter.


Mr MacNeil said: "The Fishermen’s Association has suggested alternative management arrangements and I have asked the Minister for his support in protecting the fishing industry which is an important sector to the economy of the islands.

“The fishing industry have followed sustainable practices for decades and have shown willingness to take further measures to protect the marine environment.


"In fact, I am told, areas such as Broadbay in Lewis which was once an abundant diverse fishing area is, since being closed, almost a monoculture of starfish. The environment that some think they are protecting is a function of all the activities and species in the area, humans on boats included."


He continued: "I am aware of people not investing in boats because they will lose 30% of the winter fishing area. We need an Economic Impact Assessment of these allegedly environmental proposals, this is something the Islands Minister could assist with."



Call for formal study into economic impact of marine conservation restrictions


18 September 2015