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Hebrides News



Two Western Isles community nurses have received long service awards from the Queen’s Nursing Institute Scotland (QNIS).


Joan Macarthur and Ann Fraser were both presented with their awards at an event in Carloway surgery.


Awards are presented by QNIS to community nurses who have worked for over 21 years, with Joan having already worked 24 years and Ann working 21 years before retiring in 2016.


Chris Anne Campbell, NHS Western Isles nurse director, said, “I was delighted to have been invited to present the long service awards to Joan and Ann for their unfailing dedication to their roles as community nurses.


“Their awards were very well deserved.”


Community nurses provide a steadfast and crucial role; caring for people in their own homes and providing support to patients and their families.


They also have a teaching role, working with patients to enable them to care for themselves, or with family members, teaching them how to give care to their relatives.


In addition, community nurses play a vital part in keeping hospital admissions and readmissions to a minimum, supporting patients to safely return to their own homes as soon as possible.




Ann Fraser and Joan Macarthur

Long service awards for two island community nurses

10 Nov 2017