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Cllr McCormack (Letters Jan 4th; Scottish Government should contribute to the cost of new aircraft for the islands) seems to be under the impression that the Scottish Government runs Loganair.


Loganair, as a commercial airline, operate their services in an open market where any other airline can compete – and where no other company appears to be interested.


There are no subsidies for everyday operations and therefore the Scottish Government has no more influence upon them than on any other company.


What the Scottish Government does is pay half the air fares of island passengers. This is being done despite the fact the UK is cutting the Scottish Block Grant has by £4 billion.


For Cllr McCormack to suggest that the Scottish Government should provide a private company with free aircraft is missing the point, which is that the company themselves need to provide a more reliable service. All efforts need to focus on making them do that.


Cllr McCormack was prominent in the Western Isles Council decision to axe the subsidy for inter-island flights. This decision affected the operational strategy for the airline and reduced traffic volumes which therefore required fewer planes.


He may wish now however to focus his efforts on getting a good service from Loganair, rather than trying at every opportunity to shift the blame onto the Scottish Government, for what are rather obvious political reasons.


Archie Harper

27 Shulishader

Isle of Lewis



Letters:  Loganair subsidies and free planes


12 January 2016