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When I read the letters supporting New Labour's election campaign, it was evident that they have nothing to offer the people of the Western Isles.


In Ealasaid MacDonald's letter (23rd Jan 2015) she claims that: "RET fares have never been part of life and travel in these islands." It would be easy, but wrong, to poke fun at this ridiculous assertion, but whoever supplied her with this (dis)information should be ashamed of himself.

For anyone who cares to access the Transport Scotland website will read that RET is alive and well in the Western Isles and spreading to other ferry routes.

Letter: Labour’s “fudge and distortions” over RET

26  January 2015

RET was introduced in October 2008, a year after the SNP came into power. The cost of a single journey ticket for a car was £75 prior to RET. It reduced to £36 (a saving of 52%) after the introduction of RET. The cost of a single journey ticket in January 2015 is £48, still much cheaper than it was back in 2008. In fact it is remarkable when you consider seven years have now passed and there has only been a rise of £12.


If New Labour were still in power the same ticket would have cost more than £120. The introduction of RET also saw passenger tickets reduced by 39%.

When you look at the reality of the situation, the facts demonstrate the lengths that New Labour are prepared to go to to demean their critics. If they had anything positive to say they would be shouting it from the roof tops. All they have is vitriol, fudge and silence.


Archie Harper

27 Shulishader


Isle of Lewis