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The philosopher Albert Einstein defined insanity as "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."


For the past 12 years, the Western Isles Labour Party has been doing just that. Fighting election after election by hurling torrents of ignorant and childish abuse at our MP and MSP while failing to expound a single credible policy of their own, and yet expecting to win.


As Einstein could have warned them, they have suffered increasingly heavy defeats, culminating in the lowest Labour vote for 92 years at the last election in 2016.


Given that they have learned absolutely nothing with Ada Campbell (letters 9th May) plumbing new depths, they will most certainly crash to another humiliating defeat on June 8th.


Those of us who have been canvassing for Angus Macneil have been struck by just how many islanders are grateful to him and his brilliant staff for resolving their problems. There is no doubt that Angus is widely recognised in the Western Isles as one of the most competent and hard-working MPs in the entire House of Commons. Which is why his majority at the last Westminster election was the highest for 43 years.


At the last Comhairle elections, Labour candidates were too ashamed and embarrassed to admit to their party affiliation and called themselves "independents." This proves that the Labour Party is in its death throes and has nothing to offer but cheap abuse.

Dr David Wilson

12b Tolsta Chaolais
Isle of Lewis

Letter:  Labour faces “humiliating defeat”

13 May 2017