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Hebrides News



The Scottish Government Budget for 2017-2018 indicates that Comhairle nan Eilean Siar will be receiving £3,565 per person from the SNP Government.


Once again, the Western Isles are receiving more money per person than any other local authority in Scotland, with Glasgow receiving £2,017, Edinburgh £1,444 and Aberdeen £1,219.


It is only right that people in the Western Isles should receive more government cash than anywhere else given the high levels of poverty, the sparse population and remoteness of these islands.


Particularly pleasing is the increase in expenditure by the SNP Government on the NHS in the Western Isles from £68 million in 2012 to a budgeted £80.6 million in 2017, a rise of 18.5% over five years. That is one of the biggest increases in the whole of Britain.


The biggest danger we all face is the possibility of Labour inflicting more taxes on us, plunging many "just-about-managing" people into poverty and disproportionately hitting the most vulnerable of our neighbours. Labour wants to take a further £300 a year from every taxpayer and pour it down the drain. They have done it before and they will do it again.


Which is possibly why all those Labour Party members on the Comhairle are hiding their party affiliation by standing as "independents" at the forthcoming election. Including one who attended only nine out of 47 Comhairle meetings in the past two years for which he received £40,000 of taxpayers money.


It's time to get Labour off our backs and its sticky fingers out of our pockets.


Dr David Wilson

12b Tolsta Chaolais
Isle of Lewis


Letter: Labour candidates “hiding party affiliation”

5 April 2017