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Hebrides News


Plans for Western Isles windfarms have stalled after the UK government scrapped subsides for land-based wind turbines.


Expectations the Hebrides would be an exception due to the islands offshore location were dashed by Greg Clark, UK’s energy minister.


The final glimmer of hope for the Western Isles wind renewable industry is yet another consultation on whether onshore turbine projects on remote islands should be treated differently.


If not, proposed windfarms on Lewis plus the planned Minch interconnector are unlikely to proceed.


Alasdair Allan commented: “This was a good opportunity to discuss the frustration shared by all of us over the UK Government’s dismal treatment of the islands’ wind potential.


“I was utterly disappointed when the Secretary of State for Energy announced his decision a few weeks ago to renege on previous commitments the UK Government had given to the islands.


“The Western Isles have the potential to be the renewable-sector powerhouse for the entire country, helping us to meet our climate change obligations and removing the need for much more dirty and expensive sources of power. However, to do that we need the necessary infrastructure in place.


“There are hundreds of millions of pounds worth of investment waiting to be unlocked from renewables projects across the isles.


“However, the UK Government appears to be ignoring all the evidence put to them on this subject just now by the Scottish Government and many others.


“There are upcoming debates in Holyrood over the next few weeks, on the islands and on renewable energy, which the Scottish Government will use to keep this issue in the public eye.”


Isles MSP Alasdair Allan met with Scottish Enery Minister, Paul Wheelhouse, and comhairle leader Angus Campbell (pictured above) in the Scottish Parliament to discuss the UK’s Government decision to exclude a remote island wind subsidy from its immediate plans on renewable energy.



Meeting over threat to islands’ renewable industry

23 November 2016