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Up to 100 affordable homes could be delivered in island communities through a new fund.


Speaking during a Scottish Parliament debate Housing Minister Kevin Stewart announced the Scottish Government will establish a new fund - backed by up to £5 million funding over three years - to increase the availability of affordable housing in the islands.


This investment is in addition to the £25 million Rural Housing Fund which is supporting the building of new homes and refurbishment of existing properties in rural areas.


Kevin Stewart said: “Scotland’s islands have rich and vibrant cultures and make a huge contribution to Scottish life but we know people living there can face challenges when it comes to accessing the home they want."


He good quality affordable housing is an essential part of attracting and retaining people in islands.


"“Investment in this support for the islands and through the Rural Housing Fund will help us deliver at least 50,000 affordable homes over the lifetime of this Parliament and ensure we are reaching across all of Scotland in our ambitions.

“Our Island Housing Fund demonstrates our strong and continued support for our islands, with the forthcoming Islands Bill set to provide lasting benefits for these communities for generations to come.”


£5 million islands' housing fund is announced

13 September 2016