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Hebrides  News

Hotel Eilean Iarmain


 IIsle Ornsay     Isle of Skye      IV43 8QR


Tel 01471 833332             Fax 01471 833275


Hotel Eilean Iarmain enjoys a high reputation for

Island hospitality and Gaelic tradition



Manaidsear Coitcheann


General Manager


Tha Tigh-òsta Eilean Iarmain a’ sireadh Manaidsear Coitcheann

le eòlas farsaing, sàr-sgilean stiùiridh agus comasan aig àrd-ìre

a thaobh a bhith a’ leasachadh gnìomhachais fad na bliadhna.


Due to organisational expansion and growth, Hotel Eilean Iarmain

is looking to recruit an experienced General Manager with

excellent leadership skills and a proven ability to develop year round

business growth.


Tuarastal / Salary   £35k le buannachd/plus bonus


Àite-fuirich ri fhaotainn / Live-in accommodation


Airson pasgan-fiosrachaidh, cuiribh post-d gu / For an information

pack please email:


Nicola NicThòmais

Ceann-là/Closing date: 19.03.15