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Hebrides News


A cull will resume this month under a management pilot scheme developed by the local goose management group with support from Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH).


A team of experienced, volunteer shooters will operate under licence and follow established best practice methods.


The goose meat can be sold under special licenses


This will be the final period of shooting under the current management pilot project.


The progress on Lewis and Harris will be reviewed alongside results from the other pilot areas, once this year’s results and feedback from the participating communities is available.





Greylag geese cull to resume

1 February 2017

Some 1100 geese are to shoot in Lewis and Harris this spring in an effort to cull the huge numbers devouring crofters’ crops.


Not so long ago, the Greylag goose was a migratory species but numbers have now exploded out of control.  


The wild fowl are a huge pest across the Western Isles with large flocks trampling, soiling and ruining grassland.