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It is quite amazing how the events of one day will excite and exhilarate the masses, even as it did at Callanish on the morning of March 20th, where some 300 people turned out to watch the solar eclipse. It is quite understandable why sky-watchers everywhere were riveted by this spectacular breath-taking event, which took place under the perfect timing of God, the great Designer of the universe.

Readers may be interested to know that of the many moons in our Solar System, our moon is the only one known to yield the most perfect solar eclipses when viewed from the surface of the earth.



I am reliably informed that only one other moon in the solar system appears the same size when viewed from its host planet – a small moon of Saturn called Prometheus. But this moon moves so rapidly around Saturn that its solar eclipses endure for less than a single second!

While so-called evolutionists don’t of course acknowledge or appreciate the hand of God as the Master Architect behind our perfectly created world, the events of March 20th  must leave them all wondering how on earth (pardon the pun!) the one planet in the solar system, that yields the most perfect solar eclipses, just so happens to be the one planet that harbours conscious observers to appreciate them? Yes earth, is the one and only finely tuned planet where life exists that can actually and perfectly view solar eclipses.

The Bible reminds us that since God, at the beginning of time, created darkness as well as light "I form the light, and create darkness.' (Isaiah 45:7)…..then eclipses, of every kind, are a perfect part of God's way of governing the world. He also has a design in the eclipse, both in the darkness as well as the light. There is a sermon here for all of his, if we have ears to hear it! Even when we don’t want to believe these facts, our conscience still tells us that it is truth whether we want to believe it or not.

While I don’t know what the folk in Callanish said on the morning of the 20th, it was most telling what they said on another island. As the clouds parted over the Faroe Islands, turning total darkness to light again in seconds, thrilled crowds shouted in enchantment, with many yelling out: "Oh my God, Oh my God!" While many, sadly, use His name irreverently and disparagingly the reality is that people, whether they know it or not, just cannot get away from Him or the splendour of His glory in Creation.'

What a sermon there indeed was in the solar eclipse event of 20th March 2015.

Psalm 19 v1-6 reads:

The heav'ns God's glory do declare,

the skies his hand-works preach:

Day after day their speech pours forth

and night does knowledge teach.

There is no speech nor tongue to which

their voice does not extend:

Their voice is gone through all the earth,

their words to the world's end.

In them he set the sun a tent;

Who, bridegroom-like, forth goes

From's chamber, as a strong man doth

to run his race rejoice.

From heav'n's end is his going forth,

circling to th' end again;

And there is nothing from his heat

that hidden doth remain.


Mr Donald J Morrison

85 Old Edinburgh Road



Letter:  Sermon in the eclipse  

25 March 2015