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A national crackdown again people who drink and drive has been launched.

Every two minutes this summer, a driver will be stopped and breath tested.

The ‘Don’t spoil summer’ campaign warns drivers that getting behind the wheel after even one drink isn’t worth the risk or the consequences.

Chief Superintendent Iain Murray of Police Scotland, said: “Our message is simple – don’t spoil summer for you and your family or another family by drinking and driving.

“Police Scotland stop more than 20,000 Scottish drivers a month. That’s one vehicle every two minutes.

“If you have committed an offence, or if we have reasonable cause to suspect that you have been drinking, you may be subjected to a breath test.”

He added: “Even if you’re just over the limit, you’re still a drunk driver in the eyes of the law – there is no grey area.

“This may affect your current and future employment and can have wider implications for other areas of your life including overseas travel, even just for family holidays. If you drink and drive, you won’t just spoil summer.”



Summer drink-drive campaign is launched

30 May 2015