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I am appalled by the letter from Donald S Murray (13th April) when he asks why Angus MacNeil did not attend a parliamentary debate on fuel prices.


Angus MacNeil was attending his father’s funeral on that date and, as there are only five other SNP MPs, no one was available to attend in his place at short notice. Mr Murray was made well aware of this in an exchange of letters on Hebrides News a few years ago. This shows a sad reflection on the disturbing obsession Mr Murray has with Mr MacNeil.


How desperate are the Labour Party and their candidate when they object to a man grieving his father? Have Labour no respect or compassion? It is no wonder that people like myself have walked away from a party which has no soul.


How much more dirt will Labour throw at Mr MacNeil in a desperate attempt to win votes?


Archie Harper

27 Shulishader


Isle of Lewis



Letter:  Disturbing obsession

16 April 2015