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I find it strange that the Western Isles Labour Party are keen to dwell on the excellent performance by Angus Macneil, our MP. Obviously they are looking to promote his work and wish to support his re-election. In recent weeks he has worked on the over charging of gas bills in Stornoway, the driving theory testing in the Western Isles and visas for foreign fishing crew members. The list goes on and on and is easily found in Hansard.


In his time as the Western Isles representative at Westminster, Angus Macneil has been readily available to all constituents, companies and all organisations including the council. As there are (officially) no Labour councillors, what cross-party issues are they referring to?


If a debate is arranged, the Labour Party can explain to us why their MPs abstained from voting when the dreadful 'rape clause' was passed, supporting the excessive Tory austerity, and not supporting the living wage amendment. These are just a small example where they supported the Conservatives.

Letter:  Disorientated  Labour

19 May 2017

Does anyone actually know, who in society Labour represent and their core policies which support this? Labour have done so many U-turns that they are now disorientated as to what they stand for. They are totally consumed internally by infighting which results in weekly demands for a leadership contest. This has made them ambivalent to the realities of UK politics. There are enough incompetent Labour would-be politicians at Westminster who support the Tories without adding to it.


These islands need someone who is committed, competent and knowledgeable like Angus Macneil.


Archie Harper

27 Shulishader

Isle of Lewis.