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A proposal to demolish part of Leverhulme School in South Harris has been put on hold.

A local group wants to save the older of two units and convert it into a community hub.

Campaigners urge the council to abandon the demolition plans, saying it could have a new future as a multi-use facility incorporating a museum for the local historical society, a cafe, gym, laundrette, and charity shop.

Proposals to knock it down followed a Comhairle report which said the the unit is "in such a poor state of repair and condition that it is proposed it should be demolished" while the adjacent building which accommodates the main school would be redeveloped and modernised for pupils.

A play area was planned to be built on the cleared site.


Now the council has agreed in-principle to transfer the unit to the steering group upon evidence of planning permission and receipt of a satisfactory business plan. Further development of the proposed play area will be deferred in the meantime.

School unit demolition plans deferred


1 April 2016