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Hebrides News

Councillor Donald Crichton has urged crofters and those with an interest in a sustainable future for crofting to respond to the consultation on the review of the Crofter Housing Grant Scheme before it closes at the end of this month.


Cllr Crichton, Vice-Chairman of the Comhairle's Sustainable Development Committee said: “Support for crofter housing has taken various forms since it was first introduced over a hundred years ago. The current support package being proposed consists of an island new build and repair grant of up to £28,000.


“While we support an increase, as a Comhairle we believe this proposal doesn't go far enough to meet the challenges of building new homes in our island communities today. We consider an intervention rate of up to £50,000 to be more appropriate in the Outer Hebrides where costs are considerably higher than mainland areas.”


He added: “Access to good quality affordable housing is essential for the future development of crofting communities and I would encourage those with an interest to respond to the consultation before the deadline of the 31st March."


Crofters urged to respond to housing grant consultation

10  March  2015