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Western Isles Conservative election candidate, Ranald Fraser, has pledged to represent the islands "with a truly local slant" if elected on Thursday.


Ranald Fraser said: "It has been an honour for me these last few weeks to have travelled the length and breadth of our islands and to have met so many of my fellow Hebrideans as part of this year's Scottish parliamentary campaign."


He added: "If one thing has been made clear to me throughout all my campaigning and meetings it is that during the last nine years of SNP government we have seen too much centralisation of service provision and decision making, to the detriment of the Outer Hebrides and the Highlands as a whole.


"As a Scottish Conservative, I believe that it is the role of government to protect the freedom of the people so that individuals and families can pursue their own goals and desires, a simple right which I believe is being eroded by this present administration, examples ranging from the named person law, which I will campaign to abolish to the imposition of marine protected areas on our local fishermen, which will have adverse effects on the industry locally.


"The government does not appear to be concerned. Even salmon and fresh water angling which many of us enjoy and which benefits our local economy is in peril, as the SNP government now sees fit to fine anglers £2,500 if they are within spitting distance of a dead salmon. Next they'll be charging us for catching cuddies off the rocks.

"If you seek representation with a truly local slant and a different viewpoint, then give me your vote and I will do my best for you."



Conservative candidate, Ranald Fraser, pledges "truly local" representation


4 May 2016