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Hebrides News


For the first time, the Gaelic Group of the Church of Scotland (Buidheann Gàidhlig Eaglais na h-Alba), will meet in the Western Isles.


The forum takes place in Stornoway this Saturday.


The group is continuing to progress the remit given to it by the General Assemblies of 2015 and 2017 to review and develop Gospel ministry and mission through Gaelic across Scotland.


A special focus on the day will be the bilingual, intergenerational work being undertaken by Crossreach, the charity arm of the Church of Scotland, which spends over £42 million annually on many social care projects nationally, including the Lewis Street and Dòchas projects on Lewis.

Group convener, the Very Rev Dr Angus Morrison, said: “I much look forward to returning to Stornoway to chair the next meeting of the Gaelic group.


“We have deliberately chosen to hold our meetings in different parts of the country and it is highly appropriate that this should include the Western Isles.


“We have a full and exciting agenda for our meeting and we look forward to welcoming and learning from the experience of island ministers and others who use Gaelic in their work and ministry.


“The Gaelic language is a precious part of our inheritance and I am confident that together will be able to contribute in new and significant ways to its development in the service of the church.’


Western Isles meeting for Church of Scotland Gaelic Group

21 Sept 2017