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A candlelit carol service is due to be held in St Peters Episcopal Church, Stornoway, on Friday evening, commencing at 7pm. Seasonal refreshments will be served in the church hall at the end of the service.

A watchnight service is being held on Christmas Eve in St Columba's Church, Stornoway. The carol service starts at 11.15pm and ends just after midnight. Afterwards there is hot chocolate and mince pies in the church hall.  

A carol service is also being held in Stornoway town hall on the same night. The Bayhead Youth Group watchnight service is on from 9.30pm to 10.30pm. A collection will be split between group funds and Stornoway street pastors.

Meanwhile, on Sunday, St Columba's is holding a Christmas Day family service, starting at 11am.

Christmas Eve carol service

21 December 2016