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Photo shows Sean Macdonald, Emma Saxton and Archie Petrie and their school friends


A group of young children were so moved by how the conflict affecting Gaza affected people that they decided to try and help their suffering.

During the summer holidays they held a bring-and-buy sale in Lochmaddy Hall.

The fundraising event was the children’s own idea though grown-ups were roped in to help with home-baking and making things to sell.

Some £1462 was raised towards the Save the Children’s Gaza Appeal.

Princess Anne was impressed with the children’s efforts when shown the cheque as children from the three schools in North Uist attended the Lochmaddy Marina opening.

Sarah Jane Macsween, headteacher at Paible and Lochmaddy, said the children intended to continue their charity fundraising over the year.

Children raise cash for Gaza appeal     7/9/14